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What are the Differences between Capacitive Touch Screen and Resistive Touch Screen?

2020-11-23 00:00:00  Original:amongo  Click:1018

At present, touch screens that are often sold on the market include capacitive touch screens and resistive touch screens. With the same touch screen, what are the differences between the capacitive touch screen and resistive touch screen?

1. Damage resistance

The outermost layer of the capacitive touch screen has a glass protective layer, which may be broken under the action of external force. The outermost of the resistive touch screen is a thin film, which needs to be pressed to form a pressure sensor. The resistive touch screen supports the stylus, which is easily scratched, needs protection by a protective film, and requires frequent calibration, so the capacitive touch screen is not easy to break.

2. Touch screen sensitivity

The working principle of the capacitive touch screen is to use the current induction of the human body, so any non-conductive objects, such as nails and gloves, cannot be recognized by the capacitive sensor. The resistive touch screen works through a pressure sensor, can be touched by any object, and supports a stylus.

3. The feasibility of multi-touch

The resistive touch screen does not support multi-touch, it can control sharp and insulated objects such as nails and stylus; the capacitive touch screen relies on the capacitance formed by the human body and the electrode to achieve positioning, and it must be touched by the skin or other conductive objects. It is impossible to control industrial tablet computers with nails, stylus, etc.