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What Should I Do when the Industrial LCD Touchscreens Fail?

2021-11-17 00:00:00  Original:amongo  Click:809

Industrial LCD touchscreen is an indispensable part of industrial equipment, and its performance directly affects the normal use of the equipment. More and more industrial equipment now uses industrial LCD touchscreens to control the operation of the entire machine, such as industrial touch computers. Because the touch screen is simple and convenient to operate, and can improve work efficiency, we may occasionally encounter touch screen failures during our use. After the failure, it will directly affect the normal operation of the machine. Today we will show you what to do with the industrial touch screen.

Ⅰ. What to do when the touch functions of the industrial LCD touchscreens fail?

When the touch function of the industrial LCD touchscreen fails, try to enter the offline mode first to verify whether the fault point of the touch screen is whether the backlight is burned out. If it is verified that the cause of the failure is the burning of the backlight, then we can temporarily restore the touch function of the touchscreen LCD monitor according to the following steps.

Ⅱ. How to prevent the touch function of industrial LCD touchscreens from malfunctioning

When designing industrial LCD touchscreens, in order to prevent misoperation, designers will increase the backlight detection function. Once the backlight is burned out, the touch function will automatically be disabled. However, the function of the touch screen is actually normal at this time, so through the above operations, the touch function can be temporarily enabled to allow the device to continue to use. However, as equipment maintenance personnel, from a rigorous point of view, we must replace the backlight of the touch screen as soon as possible to prevent false triggering of the touch screen and cause equipment failure or even safety accidents.

The above is the main reason for the failure of industrial LCD touchscreens. Basically, there are only two possible damages caused by normal use of a product. One is the premature damage caused by the product's own design problem, and the other is the internal old damage of the product caused by too long time. If the above two are not, it is generally the protection mechanism set at the factory, just like the backlight detection above. Everyone still has to do a good job in the maintenance of the machine, which can reduce the frequency of machine problems, extend the life of the machine, and improve production efficiency.